Board of Trustees
The Hattiesburg Public Schools' Board of Trustees consists of five members and is by law the policy-making and appraisal body of the school district.
The five members of the HPSD Board of Trustees are charged with setting the direction and vision of the district through policy and oversight. The Board creates the policy for the entire district and charges the superintendent with carrying out their vision and direction for the district. Board Members are appointed to represent the community at large.
Next Meeting Date:
HPS Board Meeting
Hattiesburg Public Schools Board Room
Board of Trustee Members
Delores McNair (President)
Term: 2022-2027
Yolanda Morris (Secretary)
Term: 2023-2028
Gregory Neil Rogers
Term: 2020-2025
Dr. Eddie Holloway
Term: 2024-2029
Term: 2021-2026