Exceptional Children & Health Services
The Exceptional Children and Health Services Department’s purpose is to provide a broad continuum of services to students with exceptional needs and talents through a comprehensive system of support that address the academic, social, health, emotional, psychological and behavioral needs of our varied and dynamic students.
Dr. LaShonda Short, Director of Exceptional Children & Health Services, lashonda.short@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Mainet Fairley, Secretary, mainet.fairley@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
LaShanda Johnson, Case Manager, lashanda.johnson@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Theresa LaPrade, Case Manager, theresa.laprade@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Lashanda Champagne, School Nurse, lashanda.champagne@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Kimberly Miller, Psychometrist, kim.miller@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Tocarra Causey, Psychometrist, tocarra.causey@hattiesburgpsd.com, (601) 582-5078
Elvira Deyamport, Gifted Coordinator, elvira.deyamport@hattiesburgpsd.com, 601-582-6655